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Cucumber Cultivation

Cucumber is an important summer vegetable commonly grown throughout India. Cucumber plant, as creeperm has a climbing or trailing habit The tender fruits are eaten raw or with salt in salad. They are also used as cooked vegetable. It is reported that the oil exacted from seeds is good for brain and body. Drinking of water immediately after eating cucumber should be avoided, as it sometimes causes sever indigestion.


The cucumber is   a warm season crop and grows best at a temperature between 180C and 240C. It does not withstand even light frost. Soil and its preparation :Cucumber can be grown in all types of soil from sandy to heavy soils. Loam, silt loam and clay loam soils are considered best fro getting higher yield. Soil pH between 5.5 and 6.7 is favorable for its cultivation.   The land should be prepared thoroughly sowing of seeds.

a) Sowing Time:

The cucumber is cultivated both as a summer and rainy season crop and the seed is sown according to type of crop.

Summer Crop : January to February.

Rainy crop: June-July.

The seed of cucumber is sown in April in the hills.

b) Seed Rate:

The seed rate is 2.5 to 4 kg/ha.

c) Method of Sowing:

The seed is sown by dibbling method at a distance of 1.5 to 2.5 meters (row to row) x 60 to 90 cm. (Plant to plant). Two to three seeds are sown in each pit. Layout in Ring & basing method.


30 to 50 cartload well decomposed FYM should be added at the time of soil preparation. 50 kg N, 25 kg P/ha. Should be given ½ N and full phosphorus should be given at the time of sowing seeds and remaining half N should be given 30 days after sowing.

Intercultural Operations:

Shallow cultivation should be given during the early stages of growth to control the weeds. Herbicides (such as Glycophosphate, Paraquat and Chloramben @ gm per acre) may be used to control weeds.


The summer crop cultivated as an irrigated crop requires enough soil moisture during its growth and development.' So irrigation should be given as and when needed. No irrigation is given in rainy season crop.


The rail grown tender fruits should be harvested at an interval of two to fora-days. Timely picking is more important in regard to quality. Yield: The average yield is about 60 to 15 quintals/ha,

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